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Clean Eating ? Some Food for Thought from a Nourishing Routes Perspective


Do you need to eat clean to feel like a good person?

Does food need to be as nutritious as possible in order to avoid feeling guilty of putting any type of food in your mouth?

Does the quality of ingredients you use define your self worth as a human being?

Does what you eat define your sole purpose on this planet?

Regardless of how you answered any of these questions, what I want you to know is that YOU are MORE than what you eat.

You are not based on this planet to make the perfect Instagram feed, eat the perfect diet, or 'nutrify' your body as much as possible.

Yes, of course its amazing when our food choices play an important part in making the planet a more compassionate place to live, but when giving that compassion detracts from the compassion we are able to show ourselves, then we need to start asking ourselves a few questions...

If you have ever felt guilty, ashamed or worthless in relation to what you eat, ask yourself whether turning to food is the answer.

Yes, you may get an added bonus of nutrients to your diet and the functioning of your body, but perhaps at the same time you may be growing deficient in some vitamin C - Compassion.

By that I mean the compassion we can give ourselves to eat in line with our social and psychological needs - not just the physical ones, so that we can make those all important memories with food, create positive social connections and ultimately spend more of our time finding and fulfilling our life purpose rather than obsessing about what we 'should' and 'should not' eat.

Im sure many of you will have different viewpoints on the issue of 'clean eating', but all I am suggesting is that we take a more critical view of using food as a way to 'cleanse' ourselves and wipe our conscience clean.

Are there better ways of proving our self worth and unconditional ability to show and receive love?

Just some food for thought, but i'd be really happy to hear your own thoughts on this topic

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