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Are you looking after someone with an
Eating Disorder?

Nourishing Routes

Even if you love someone with all your strength and heart, it is OK to sometimes feel stressed, angry or even burned out. However, you are doing the best you can with the resources and energy you have. For many, it can be a really difficult time when faced with the many challenges that come with helping someone to engage in their recovery. It might seem that there are battles on a daily basis or sometimes at every occasion involving food or times inbetween! 

While support from a therapist or therapeutic team can be vital to the recovery journey, you may be the person who is supporting your loved one 99% of the time. I can understand that caring for someone with an eating disorder can feel daunting, scary and sometimes like a never ending responsibility. 

With the right support and guidance for yourself, you can develop the confidence and skills that will help your loved one move leaps and bounds in their recovery. Using my own lived experience in this area, Nourishing Routes aims to help you to offer the best support you can while also looking after your own health and wellbeing (which is also crucially important!)

In addition to the challenges of encouraging loved one's to nourish their body and tend to their mental health, you may also encounter difficulties with the following:


  • Needing to take time away from work to look after your loved one

  • Making extra time for planning and preparation of meals and snacks as well as organising how your loved one will be adequately supported or supervised during these times

  • Trying to find additional funds to ensure that your loved one is able to access treatment and consume their increased nutritional requirements

Having the right financial support in place can play a major role in your loved one's recovery. This might include accessing support that allows you to pay for:

  • Extra Heating Bills

  • Additional Food and Supplements

  • Travelling to appointments or treatment facilities

  • Council Tax

Nourishing Routes Caregiving Information

"Taking a Little Time 

to Plan and Prepare Now will Help things run more smoothly in the long run, reducing worry and anxiety"

 If you feel that you could benefit from some support related to caring for a loved one with an eating disorder, you can make contact via 

Nourishing Routes Workshop

Feeling Stuck ? 
Get Your Regaining Weight Reclaiming Life E-Book 


260 Pages of Step by Step Guidance and Wisdom to Empower you Towards Full Recovery !


Wherever you are at in your own journey to recovery, gaining weight can be one of biggest fears and challenges that keeps you chained to a life of restriction and low self-worth


This weight gain e-guide and e-workbook avidly covers all the essential topics regarding eating disorder recovery, and stems from my own personal experience of full recovery from anorexia nervosa, as well as over a decade studying and researching into psychology, nutrition, health and holistic wellness.


This nurturing guide has been designed as a compassionate companion that encourages you to become your own best friend while enabling you to reclaim your own identity away from the eating disorder

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