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Gaining Weight in eating disorder recovery

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Gaining Weight and Reclaiming Life in Eating Disorder Recovery 

Nourishing Routes Course

What is Gaining Weight and Reclaiming Life? 

Wherever you are at in your own journey to recovery, gaining weight can be one of biggest fears and challenges that keeps you chained to a life of restriction,

low self-worth and un-fulfilment.


This weight gain guide and workbook avidly covers all the essential topics regarding eating disorder recovery, and stems from my own personal experience of full recovery from anorexia nervosa, as well as over a decade studying and researching into psychology, nutrition, health and holistic wellness. It has been designed as a compassionate companion that encourages you to become your own best friend while enabling you to break ties with an enemy that ultimately wants to destroy your life.

There will be several opportunities in this workbook for you to gain skills and inspiration for FULL recovery, while also being prompted to take action with the use of several activities that can be successfully applied in your own journey forwards. 

Together, step by step, we will tackle your deepest fears, rekindle life long positive relationships with food and body, and find ways of living the life you were born to lead as your most authentic, free and best self”

A Snippet of the Contents

Nourishing Routes
Gaining weight
Norishing Routes
Nourishing Routes
Nourishing Routes
Nourishing Routes
Nourishing Routes
Nourishing Routes

Review from
Dr Karina Allen,

Consultant Clinical Psychologist

The Gaining Wight Reclaiming Life online workbook is an amazing resource. I am truly impressed at you creating this.


I think the material is applicable for early intervention (especially as it is something patients can access at home / independently, if they aren't yet ready to contact services or there is a wait for treatment), ongoing recovery/support, but also everyone between those two groups.


It appears suitable for all eating disorders and I like the mix of content and your overall 'road map' document. I also found it very helpful to have the overview of session content in your initial summary of Nourishing Routes so I knew what would be covered and when. This will be a timely and much needed resource for many in recovery

Dr. Karina Allen South London & Maudsley Eating Disorder Services / F.R.E.E.D                  Early Intervention Program for Eating Disorders.

Nourishing Routes
Nourishing Routes
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