Working Together Like Redwood Trees?
Sometimes it can feel as though we are best working alone in our projects. We want things done OUR way, and we want to get things right...

What is Your True Connection with Food
Where is your true connection with food and what you choose to eat? Is it in remembering the exact amount of Calories that are contained...

Your Body is a Gift
Your body is a gift, and you don't have to wait until Christmas or your birthday to start appreciating that fact. Your body is also your...

Every Body is a 'Good' Body
When did we come to view that it is so important to be really slim, fit, muscular, or have a ‘perfectly clean’ diet? Why did, somewhere...

Life Isn't Too Short - It is the perfect length
For most of us, we are given just enough time to enjoy life to the full, find our purpose, seek out our dreams and make the world a much...

Dieting + Weight Loss = Happiness ?
Have you ever noticed how near enough every lifestyle magazine, news article or advertisement involving a diet or weight loss plan is...