The Authentic Light Within You
What part of you wants to dance ? What part of you wants to sing? What part of you wants to scream I'm here, while jumping out of the...

The Stillness of Personal Growth
You may be familiar with our society’s philosophy that, in order to develop as a person and get healthier, we must always be on the go....

A Farewell Letter to my Eating Disorder
I remember the night when I succumbed to your gentle whispers. You promised me that, if I followed your words of wisdom, the pressures,...

Faddy January's
A NEW year a NEW you? It's that time of year again - the month of fitness and dieting fads that promote new ways of living and eating in...

Mean Girls of the Wellness World
Whether you know of the film mean girls or not, or even if you’re male or female, if you happen to have an interest in promoting or...

Peace, Love & Joy with FOOD & BODY
That Christmassy time of year is upon us once again. The frosty mornings, cosy nights, and that warming feeling inside where life itself...

Dieting - Nothing To Lose ?
All to often, individuals embark on a dietary regime with one main goal in mind - wight loss or at least some form of transformation in...

Becoming Your Authentic Self is a Bit Like Making a Victoria Sponge Cake …
From time to time, or even every day, many of us can feel as though we are not being true to ourselves. More to the point, we can feel as...

Working Together Like Redwood Trees?
Sometimes it can feel as though we are best working alone in our projects. We want things done OUR way, and we want to get things right...

What is Your True Connection with Food
Where is your true connection with food and what you choose to eat? Is it in remembering the exact amount of Calories that are contained...