Chocolate Infused Self-Care at Lush Spa - The Comforter Treatment
Where can you go for a sumptuous mind and body extravaganza that indulgently involves being caressed with love, sensuality, sweet...

Gaining Weight in Recovery - Re-feeding the Soul
Gaining weight in recovery is not all about BMI - its about re-feeding the soul, even after getting to a 'healthy weight' ...

The REAL reason behind Eating Disorders
Eating disorder statistics are expanding - FAST. children as young as 3 worry about getting fat, and over 5 million people remain...

The Stillness of Personal Growth
You may be familiar with our society’s philosophy that, in order to develop as a person and get healthier, we must always be on the go....

A Farewell Letter to my Eating Disorder
I remember the night when I succumbed to your gentle whispers. You promised me that, if I followed your words of wisdom, the pressures,...

Faddy January's
A NEW year a NEW you? It's that time of year again - the month of fitness and dieting fads that promote new ways of living and eating in...

Making Peace with Self Love - Bath time Stories
After spending a lengthy occasion in the freestanding bath tub of my hotel, the brewing time I took to steep with all of the rainbow...

Becoming More Free & Radical About Clean Eating
Most of us have probably realised by now that there are certain expectations placed over us to eat in a certain way or according to a...

Mean Girls of the Wellness World
Whether you know of the film mean girls or not, or even if you’re male or female, if you happen to have an interest in promoting or...

From Self-Sabotage to Self-Care
Some days we just wake up - with that feeling that something isn’t right. Perhaps you can’t name why you’re feeling so grumpy, but...