Gaining Weight in Recovery - Re-feeding the Soul.
Many individuals who have experienced an eating disorder, myself included, may have encountered the distressing situation of needing to...
There was Once Upon a Time... The Fairytale before the Eating Disorder.
There was Once upon a Time, and there will be Another Time. There once was a time where I could allow myself to be happy and nourish...
Keeping a List of Values in Eating Disorder Recovery
Whether you are recovered from an eating disorder/disordered eating or are still enduring the battle for freedom, you may have...
Real Recovery Chocolate Chip (Gooey Centred) Cookies
Theres not much more that I enjoy than being able to sit down in a cosy chair with a cup of tea while dunking in a hefty chocolate chip...
Gaining Weight in Recovery - Re-feeding the Soul
Many individuals who have experienced an eating disorder, myself included, may have encountered the distressing situation of needing to...
Self-Actualisation - Beyond Basic Needs
This isn’t a psychology lecture, so don’t worry and pack up your pencil case and notebooks just yet … What some of you might remember, or...
Gaining Weight in Recovery - Re-feeding the Soul
Many individuals who have experienced an eating disorder, myself included, may have encountered the distressing situation of needing to...
Getting REAL about Eating Disorder Recovery
Recovery from an eating disorder means lots of different things to lots of different people. But, what most of us can agree on, is that...
The real meaning behind Clean eating and Fit-spiration messages
No matter what the time of year, I can find it difficult to encounter a shop, magazine, TV show, You Tube video or Instagram picture...
The Most Wander-full Time of the Year
This is the season that taught me to wander Through the bitter cold and scarcity we still grow much stronger As I navigate these untold...